Travel with me

Travel! Journeys. Road-trips and much more! Travel with me since 2010 all around the Europe to Turkey and some islands! I love travelling anywhere and anytime. I remember my parents telling always a story about me, escaping (as a 4 year old) from my grandpa babysitting and walking down the street with a little backpack. Going on my own to a hospital to see my mummy.

Travel! Journeys. Road-trips and much more! Travel with me since 2010 all around the Europe to Turkey and some islands!

I love travelling anywhere and anytime.

I remember my parents telling always a story about me, escaping (as a 4 year old) from my grandpa babysitting and walking down the street with a little backpack. Going on my own to a hospital to see my mummy.

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27/4/2010 – 3/5/2010

My very first travel abroad was to Turkey! It was when I was 14 years old and won in eβ€’Twinning (Erasmus) program for an exchange stay. I was so happy and excited that I could go.

I made a life-long friendship over there and didn’t think even in a slightest that I will come back again to see them.

Here is link to my whole Turkish story and friends, enjoy!

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Germany – Phantasialand

Once I was in Turkey in 2010 I have designed a logo for actual Erasmus project, which was also chosen as a winner and my reward was a 3 day trip to Germany – Phantasialand with other mates! OMG. I still want to go back one day!

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England – London

23/3/2011 – 28/3/2011

Another school trip when I was 15 – to England and to its capital β€’ London! Looking back I was wondering why I can’t remember much of this trip and no wonder we went there in the most horrible season March! When everything is wet, rains a lot and it’s cold. Well luckily I came back few years after by myself and could enjoy the beauty of the UK in the best seasons.

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Germany – Hamburg

11/4/2014 – 25/4/2014

Well this was a good 14-day long stay in Germany, learning about sustainability, but who really cared – with my class mates, staying in a hotel, having a free time, running through metro, having shisha on the square with sunsets and getting drunk easily that’s how we enjoyed our 18s.

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5/10/2014 – 10/10/2014

Going to this exchange stay to France was so and so exciting for me. And becoming a friend with LΓ©a was even more, talking and talking with her and sharing our thoughts and experience will always live in my heart. Her kind family made my week in France just the best experience and I hope to see you soon!

Beside we were visiting Paris, Louvre, Reims and other French spotlights and it was just amazing!

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30/5/2015 – 14/6/2016

After all the school trips and exchange stays, I went on my first solo trip – to England and happened to live there for a year. I wouldn’t lie in my 19s, without many experiences and without a driving licence, I was just stuck on a place in the middle of nowhere and had a lot of up and downs. I had a good time and met few people but after a year I had to come back home to Czech with just more anxiety than before and took me a while to put myself together before leaving again.

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7/11/2015 -13/11/2015

I have been to Mallorca with my host family and I don’t actually remember much! πŸ˜€ I know I was quite cold at nights and couldn’t figure out how the AC works, so I was just freezing the entire time under the thin sheets. I remember the father who was teasing me if I don’t go swimming in the sea, I will be thrown into the swimming pool, so I made him extra spicy garlicy salad πŸ˜€ and then at the end we had to leave early because of some family issues.

Well it was nice, the sea was the bluest and the weather warm too.

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First time in Scotland was coming here for a wedding! Not mine but my friends’ and we stayed accommodated in a castle! How cool. Birkhill Castle was immediately my favourite one! Specially all the gardens and woods surrounding it with its beauty and nature.

Here is a little sneak peak of that time and the beautiful castle and the British/Scottish wedding! (don’t mind my shaky hands and my device pls :D)

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Spain – RincΓ³n se Soto

30/4/2017 – 28/8/2017

My first time in Spain – the land! Yey, Even though it was just for 4 months I made a most of it! I have really enjoyed Spanish summer and its cultures and fiestas to the fullest, made lots of friends and memories, trips and had few drinks as well as my youngest me allowed.

I have wrote all of my experience from this time in a separate story and you can read it here within the link!

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Austria – Vienna

I have been in Vienna many times as I was taking flights from there or just going through. Sometimes I took a little walk around the city, went to a park but actually never did a proper exploration as I mostly had not much time.

Hopefully next time! As now I have some friends over there.

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26/2/2019 – 6/3/2019

My ever first holiday with a bunch of my friends! Yey! I remember my friend asking me if I want to go for a holiday with them and my sister and I said yes! Withdrew my 10 days of holiday, got a very good deal tickets and here we go! In February to the beautiful island of Tenerife! The whole roadtrip was just as amazing as we thought it would be!

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29/7/2018 – 6/8/2018

This trip was actually so exciting because I was travelling to Turkey after 8 years to meet with my long-time friends! In the beginning we almost missed each other as Kiymet was waiting at the different terminal, but at the end everything went just perfect!

I have visited places which I wanted and with other 4 friends we rent a house next to the sea and had time of our lives!

Here is my whole story of Turkey and time I’ve been there!

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Slovakia – Nitra

31/8/2018 – 2/9/2018

Although Slovakia is a neighbour of Czech Republic, I have never had a desire to go there that much, but that’s a thing I should definitely correct in a future!

This time my father and I booked a 3-day conference in Nitra, so here we go!

Hello Slovakia! Hope to see you soon as well.

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Spain – Logrono

30/5/2019 – 31/8/2019

I will always, always say – this 3 months were my favourite so far! I had just the best time I could have in a beautiful country, with the most kind and fun people around me and who also made the whole time here just so precious.

I have wrote all about the travel here in Spain in another story, which you can reach within the link below! Have fun!

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14/9/2019 – 4/6/2020

Time flies so fast and I can’t believe it’s been already over 2 years when I have lived in Italy. Living there for 9 months just ensured me to fall in love with this wonderful country, its delicious cuisine, people, history and its architecture.

I fell like to write about my time here as well, even though it’s been tough while the Covid-19 hit, but the story will come for sure!

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Croatia – Zagreb

23/1/2020 – 26/1/2020

Living in Italy and having quite demanding job and a boss made me miss travelling to other countries a lot. So once my birthday were about to come I took few days off and hopped on a bus to Croatia. There is a straight line from Venice – Zagreb, how easy!

Booking an amazing hotel in Croatia just for myself and Michelin-star restaurant for my birthday was a real treat! And so I am not alone all the time here, I have met these 2 Korean angels which I have spent few hours of talking, walking around and at the end sharing some Korean food! I miss them so much!

I will always remember this short yet sweet little trip!

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Slovenia – Ljubljana

25/1/2020 – 26/1/2020

This very short trip through Slovenia wasn’t very much of my favourites. As walking alone in the night, followed by a strange man and at the end staying in a poor hostel in bunk beds, didn’t let me sleep at all. Not talking about the woman’s shower divided from men’s just by a curtain.

Luckily nothing happened but those kind of situations give you chills.


Hungary – Budapest

17/8/2020 – 20/8/2020

Here is my short story from Hungary and its beautiful Budapest from a time I have been there.

I was so happy doing this long weekend solo trip to Hungary. My first there was totally worth my time and the money I have spent there. And meeting my Hungarian friend Kira, which I met in England and travel to Portugal with, just made me to keep coming back to Hungary even more!

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28/8/2020 – 30/5/2022

After my previous not very sparkling experience from England, I was really considering to come back or not. Well I did and actually it went better than I had expected. This time having a car made such a huge difference and I could enjoy the British countryside and hidden gems to the fullest. Also with other aupairs in this area made the time here much easier and more fun.

England is so beautiful and specially in spring and summer it has something what other countries don’t have and I really made my home, staying over the years, here in Oxfordshire.

Unfortunately my stay is coming to the end and I will be moving soon again. 2 years and 8 months is more than enough to explore, taste and enjoy this country. However I will be always loyal to my Czech home!

And where shall i go next?

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Ireland – Dublin

30/4/2022 – 2/5/2022

With Easter bank holiday I had decided to use this opportunity to explore a bit more around the England. Easily found very cheap flights to Dublin were an easy option. Took my sister and flew over to meet my Greek friend Niko as well! Our excitement was ruined a bit by the rainy and miserable weather and not working Google maps just drove us crazy.

After all the troubles we had a good time, nice walks around the Dublin and coffee tours all the time!

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Portugal – Porto

8/4/2022 – 11/4/2022

Portugal was on my bucket list since ever and I really wanted to go and see this rich country. This year was lucky and I could go, exchange coming back home to Czech – I went to Portugal and persuaded my friend Kira and Kuba to come with me! And what to say? We had a blast!

Wanna know more about my trip to Porto? Read with the button down below!

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Portugal – Madeira

11/4/2022 – 16/4/2022

I remember my elder sister always talking about Madeira and how she wants to go there. And so one day, just searching for places where to go, I have found very good flights to Porto Portugal. And thought well Madeira is just two-hours flight from there as well, let’s go and see this well-known island too. And so I went and spend amazing time hiking, photographing and enjoying this beautiful place!

Here is also my story! Click and read it all!

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Wales & Cornwall

I have been in Wales and Cornwall already quite a few times. in 2015, 2020, 2021 and 2022 as well. Going to this traditional British holiday is a must have and a starter pack of each summer πŸ˜€

Just get ready gumboots, wetsuit and your surf.

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Greece – Corfu

15/8/2022 – 23/8/2022

I always wanted to go and visit Greece and didn’t know I would have a chance this year 2022, so soon! I had really nice time there, more like a lazy beach style and food consuming holiday but although very relaxing. We had fun but next time visiting Greece I would chose to go on a mainland and explore more of the real Greek culture than this hot-holiday spot.

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I am sure that any traveller would know the hopeless feeling when you really want to get out and travel but there are just not right consequences – either no money, no time, no people coming with or maybe Covid came back and closed the borders.

In that case I think the best thing what to do is to learn more about other countries and their cultures even through the internet, travel at least around your own country and get deep to your own roots and traditions.

And so I wish to all travellers only the safe journeys and enough time and money to explore this beautiful planet!

Good Luck!

In this moment on my bucket list I have: Camino de Santiago, Romania, Spanish East Coast and Italy road-trip! Wanna join? Let me know!

I will be also very grateful if you would find your time and support my ART WITH STORIES project, ART stories of mine and other artists or just follow my art on my Instagram account!

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