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Jinn Twai

About Jinn

Jinn Twai is a young self taught artist proudly born in Bohemia, Czech Republic. Jinn grew up in a little village upon The Iron Mountains as the third child of 6, spent all her childhood and early studies on a countryside and in her 18th she moved to her first foreign country – England. As she fell in love with travelling for next 7 years she was travelling around the Europe and also living 7 months in Spain, 1 year in Italy and currently living her 3rd year in the United Kingdom.

Trying different jobs from cleaning and teaching to designing clothes and graphic, moving to different countries all the time and being independent – helped her to find herself and to be proud of anything she has done and is.

Being creative and artistic was always inside of her but it had to take a long journey of understanding and learning what actually Jinn wants to do.

And so Jinn has decided to connect all her hobbies from photography, writing, designing, painting and travelling to create a place for herself and others. Place where she can support other artists and talents, share her thoughts, art and experience from travels and most of all β€’ create for the little oneschildren – which she loves the most.

About Jinn Twai and her life.

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“Travelling is something what I love
– meeting new friends and listening their stories, discovering new places or food.
Imagination and inspiration are very important for creativity
so I truly believe that travelling is one of the best way
how to expand your knowledge and make lots of memories.”

About Art

A huge impact on Jinn’s art have her own life experiences, feelings and children, who she worked a lot with. She tries to express the importance of family and connection between mothers and their children. The fragility of love and lives. The beauty of this world and ourselves. Jinn is painting and drawing common and little things to show their sense and importance in our every day life.

Jinn’s paintings are dreamy and tender but always carrying a deep message or stories, including pain and love, sadness and happiness.

Jinn believes that creating things can make us happy, can heal ourself or others if we do with love. That art so do words can harm or heal, leave a hope or a scar, and it’s up to us what we want to share.

about art - photography of Jinn Twai painting in the nature

Follow Jinn on the Instagram!


About Love

Love is the most important thing for me even if it’s a worldwide cliche. I believe that exactly love is a thing which is keeping us alive. Love can be shown in many ways and can be anything. Can be an affection, God, family, friendship, hobby, and so on. But understanding the true meaning of love can bring obstacles in our way. Because we would have to put aside all of our selfishness, pride and greed.

Because love is not an exchange – Love is giving. Forgetting about ourself and giving for free, helping without wanting back. That’s why I would love to encourage everyone to paint and create more, do and act with more kindness and love.

Struggles and fears

I always wanted to be the one with strength and power but will not lie that I had many upside downs, many fears I had to face and moments when I felt as the most miserable person in the world.

Everybody has a fear and it can either eat us or make us stronger. I had times when I felt really depressed and lonely even though I had so many friends and people around. I had experiences bulling against me and my family when I was little and that was the hardest thing ever. But it just made me to work harder and more to achieve what I want. So after all thanks to this fight I could find myself and my talents. And I hope that also you if you are struggling with anything will keep going and fighting till the end!

I will always root for the little ones and the last ones.

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