Category Stories

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My life with a Cat

I believe life is just so much happier with a cat or a pet. Having a fluffy friend to talk to and cuddle is some kind of comfort. Here is my and Ferry's story from our lives and travels...
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Madeira holidays

Just a week is not enough to explore this stunning Madeira full of mountains and fresh fruits. I had a wonderful time of discovering and travelling and will be more than happy to come back again. Here is my story.
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Weekend in Porto

All this trip came up quite spontaneously, as I got my dates for my Easter holiday and wasn't sure where to go. First plan was to come home to Czech Republic and visit my family, but my travel spirit felt a different way...
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My love for Turkey

First time I visited Turkey was in 2010 when I was 14 years old with my secondary school. This amazing opportunity brought me many beautiful memories, letters and long term friends, which I love and met again after 8 years. Read to know more about my adventure and reuniting with my friends!
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The wild traveller

Personally I think that travelling is the best teacher for your life. Learning to be independent and stand on your own feet, solving unexpected problems, learning about new cultures, meeting new people and socializing with them, seeing differences can teach you to appreciate your own things much more and many other perks!
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Another Spanish adventure

It happened so fast and I just got a flight to Bilbao! Within a week I had found a new family, new place to live and became an aupair for another hot Spanish summer! My fastest decision ever, and it turned as the best one!
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Be an au pair

Time as an aupair can be one of your best time in your life. The opportunity living in different countries, meeting different people, culture, trying all sorts of food and exploring around - can make thousands of memories which you keep for the rest of your life.
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Dog Diaries

DOG - a best friend of a human. So well-known phrase but not always understood. Here is a story of Karolinka and her amazing dogs, her path through many difficulties and struggles to loving and loyal friendship and partners for a life.
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